Project Details
It was a challenging task to incorporate three different apps into one. UI\UX was intuitively designed to reduce the difficulty of the interaction app and all the user types.
Aarv Morison -
It Solulation -
Aarv Morison -
March 10, 2021
Client Requirements
- Users should be able to shop all types of groceries, bakeries, and edibles at our premium registered outlets.
- Users should be able to pay online for the items of interest, track the delivery and get the delivery item successfully.
- The vendor registration enabled, choose the appropriate category for the service, list out the product/item and receive order/delivery requests.
- The driver registration enabled, choose the delivery category, get the delivery request automatically, and deliver the item/product from pick up location to drop location.
- The application should be multilingual.
Overview & Challenge
It was a challenging task to incorporate three different apps into one. UI\UX was intuitively designed to reduce the difficulty of the interaction app and all the user types.
Halal User App features and functionalities
- Users can see vendors & product details from each and every category, order a product, and pay through another app
- Users can choose the delivery type, search & filter the product/item.
- Returns of the orders, shopping cart details, order details management
- live chat assistance
- Real-time on map delivery tracing
- feedback on driver and vendors
- Profile info, address, and setting management
Halal Driver App features and functionalities
- Registration through personal information and vehicle information
- profile info and settings management
- status updates online and offline based on availability
- Delivery requests are received from users once the order is confirmed
- pick up location and drop location along with the best possible route for quick delivery
- feedback from customer
- calling enabled to exchange info with customers
Halal Vendor App features and functionalities
- Registration through business type
- Profile info and settings management
- Product listing, offer, discount, and order management
- Transaction history and wallet management
- Status updates on availability
- live chat and calling ability to exchange info with customer
- receives feedback from customers
Technical Specification & Implementation
- Android: Android Studio with Java
- iOS: XCode with Swift
We have successfully built and deployed the apps for users, divers, and vendors. Users can browse through and search all the categories, place an order, pay online, pay through another app, track the delivery on the map in real-time, and provide feedback on the diver and vendor. Divers can register on the app, receive orders requests automatically, status updates on availability, receive pick up, drop locations, route options, and receive feedback from customers. Vendors can register on the app, update product lists, offers, status updates on availability, manage orders, wallet, transaction history, and receive feedback from customers.

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